miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

My hobby:
Dear partners,
Inside the things that I like to do are sports
 and dancing folklore. 
I have participated in several folk groups 
in the place where I live.
 I like it since I was 12 years old because in 
addition to being connected to 
the roots of our country, it allows us to do
 physical activity, meet new people, with the 
same interests and tastes. Dancing has been 
a great experience, I have learned many dances, 
steps and choreography, I have shared the 
stage with great people and it has allowed me
 to teach. 
In fact, I am currently doing a cueca workshop 
in a school with basic education children. Some 
time  ago I formed my own folkloric group, 
however I could not continue because I injured
 myself doing sports in the university. 
But now I am returning and with more desire 
than ever! If you have never
 danced, I recommend you do it, it's good
 for your health, for your mood and for being 
and staying active.
Greetings to all!

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My hobby: Dear partners, Inside the things that I like to do are sports and dancing folklore. I have participated in several folk group...