viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget in Ann Arbor.png

Hi partners, today i´m talk about Jean Piaget.
He was an epistemologist, psychologist and biologist. 
He was born on August 9, 1986, in Switzerland. At age 22 he moved to Paris, where he continued his studies in biology and psychology. In 1921 he returned to Switzerland and in 1923, he married Valentine Châtenay, with whom he had three children: Lucienne, Laurent and Jacqueline, whom Piaget studied from his childhood. Finally he died on September 16, 1980, in Switzerland, at the age of 84 years. He specialized in child psychology and his main job consisted in cognitive theory that explains the human behavior from mental schemes and he called constructivist theory of learning.  He thought that cognitive capacity and intelligence are closely linked to the social and physical environment and thus the two processes that characterize the evolution and adaptation of the human psyche are those of assimilation and  accommodation. In this way he added the stages of cognitive development as specific cognitive characteristics for each stage of the human being, these are: sensorimotor stage, pre-operational stage, concrete-operational stage and formal-operational stage.
This author is my favorite because he try to explain the human behavior from a cognitive theory, however he to received many criticism because he proposed rigid development stages.

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My hobby: Dear partners, Inside the things that I like to do are sports and dancing folklore. I have participated in several folk group...