viernes, 27 de abril de 2018


When I was child I wanted be join to the army, but this option was eliminated when I started to the high school. In school I liked humanist area, so with time the psychology was convert in my first preference, but I had others options, for example, History´s pedagogy, Politics Science, even kinesiology, however, I chose psychology because I can help people with health problems. This complications are not ordinary, this problems make mention internal troubles, a mental health problems. Then, in the University I learned some things for helped the people, about therapy psychological and clinical interview, and I still learn, with my teachers and my partners.
When I finish my career I would like to work in public health system, because in this context the people need more help and attention.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018


Hello, my name is Yerko. I´m 22 and I was born on september 27, in Santiago, Chile. I live in Colina, a small town in the north of the metropolitan region.

I estudied in the Chacabuco Institute High School and actually I´m studying  psychology at University of Chile in Social Science Faculty.
About my family, I live with my parents and my little sister, she is 14.
In my free time, I like listen to a lot of music, especially folkloric music, because I was dance in many folkloric group. Besides, when I´m not studying I like watch movies and T.V series.
Also, I work in a school, doing workshops about sexualy, drugs and alcohol, etc.

My hobby: Dear partners, Inside the things that I like to do are sports and dancing folklore. I have participated in several folk group...